Two Facts:
- When porting a mortgage you have to re-qualify with today's lending guidelines.
- You will want to consider porting a mortgage if your mortgage rate is lower than what is available today.
You can save money by making sure if you want to port your mortgage in the future you can. Want to guess how many buyers make it to the 5 year mark of their mortgage term? Just about 30%!!!! Just remember that if rates go up higher than what you have, you don't have to refinance at that higher rate.
One of those couples that did not make it to year 5, I had to find another solution for as they could not port their mortgage like they wanted.
The reason?
They did not qualify for the mortgage in today's environment due to the recent rule changes. This makes me almost as frustrated as watching a law enforcement officer talk on his cell phone while driving as the credit has already been granted why not let them move it! ??! Did the risk change that much? I would humbly suggest only the rules have in most cases.
Since many people do not know the basics about porting a mortgage here are a couple things you might not be aware of when you have sold your current home and purchased a new one.
What is porting my mortgage?
Porting your mortgage is you transferring your mortgage from one property to your new home. You are transferring the features, benefits and the rate.Why would you want to port your mortgage?
Since porting lets you transfer your rate to this new home its a way to save money if you have a lower interest rate than what is available right now. You can also avoid prepayment charges that are applied when breaking a closed mortgage early, and depending on how that is calculated and where you are in your term this can be a big savings.Will my lender let me move my mortgage?
Maybe. Some lenders will not allow this to take place. Make sure you tell your mortgage broker or specialist that you want privileges not just the rock bottom rate. Less frills, means a lower rate, but the savings of taking some frills far outweigh overlooking them. Since you don't know what will happen in your life, ensuring the mortgage is portable is in your benefit. All porting clauses are different at each bank- So Ask!
For qualification of porting your mortgage, it's not just about the mortgage amount or the property value of the new place.
- It's about mortgage amortization.
- It's about tighter mortgage guidelines.
- It's about more rules from CMHC for mortgage qualification.
- It's about a Line of Credit interest calculation.
- It's about how they calculate variable income like commissions.
- It's about the stated income programs changing.
- It's changing rules on Rental income.
- It's about rising and more accurate heating costs.
- It's about how they verify income.
With mortgage amortization limits being lower, and lenders criteria being every increasingly tighter on what they can refinance. It effectively means you have to re-qualify in most cases for the mortgage before you can move it over depending on where your mortgage is.
If you have changed employers or changed the way you are paid, be prepared for far more questions than you might have been asked previously. This goes double if you are now self-employed.
Additionally the paper chasing you had to do when you first applied might have to be replicated and you might even need a couple more things this time as things have been changing in the last three years very fast.
Its all about this specific point in time. While your situation might not have changed, their lending criteria might have become much stricter.
Should I port my mortgage if I am moving?
There are many things that go into the equation like:
- Current rate of mortgage Vs. best mortgage rates available now and what will save me the most amount of money.
- Payout penalties on your Mortgage. Is it based on Interest Rate Differential, Posted rates, bond yields or discounted rates?
There are many factors that go into it, and every case is different. If you have any doubts or want your numbers run to make sure you qualify ask a mortgage professional about this. Plan ahead is always something I preach from my soap box!
This was not my topic I had scheduled for this week. Rather a knee jerk reaction to an incident that happened recently. It can save you money, so I deemed it worthy enough to be shared. You do know how hard it is to make the world of finance fun don't you? Personally I think saving money is having fun, and sharing my knowledge gives me a sense of purpose and joy.
If you want to opt in for my email list, or would like to give me any encouragement I would really appreciate the feedback. The only way I will get better is if you keep giving me course corrections.
After all, none of my clients pay me a cent for what I know, do, or share nor would I charge anything for my services. I do get a token of appreciation here and there, and the occasional bottle of fermented red grapes. Which any Calgary Mortgage broker would get a sense of satisfaction from!
Thanks for helping, sharing, and the likes.
Dependably yours,